
UK Primary School Shakes off Bullying on the WizeFloor

UK Primary School Shakes off Bullying on the WizeFloor images: THE SHADE PRIMARY SCHOOL, WIZEFLOOR FACEBOOK 

Students of a primary school in the UK decided to 'shake off' bullying on the WizeFloor in support of Anti-Bullying Month.


Children at The Shade Primary School in Soham in Cambridgeshire supported Anti-Bullying Month by 'shaking off' bullying on the WizeFloor. The school had received a nomination to Shake Off Bullying from St. Andrew's Primary School, also located in Soham. St. Andrew's asked their students to remember the negative comments they had heard about themselves and to shake them off to Taylor Swift's hit song "Shake It Off." To support the anti-bullying campaign, all the students at St. Andrew's got together and danced.


The Shade Primary School took a slightly different approach. Their students had been learning about bullying in their personal, social, health and economic education (PSHE) class and, after receiving the nomination from St. Andrew's, The Shade asked the students to 'shake it off' on the WizeFloor interactive floor.

The Shade Primary School installed the WizeFloor system last month to enhance the teaching and learning experience for its pupils. The WizeFloor makes lessons more exciting and interactive, harnessing the children's boundless energy to engage them in games and curriculum-focused activities that help improve their social and cognitive skills.



The WizeFloor is designed for children aged 3 to 11. The system projects an interactive space onto the floor which works like a large touchscreen, responding to children's movements as they navigate the interactive area with their arms, legs and feet. The interactive floor encourages an active, physical approach to learning, allowing teachers to present lessons in exciting new ways and engage children in the core subjects. The more fun kids have interacting with the projected content, the better they absorb the lesson. The WizeFloor also makes it easy for teachers to create new games of their own and lets them access content created by other educators within the WizeFloor community.



The interactive floor promotes physical activity, learning through play, and social and kinaesthetic interaction among kids. It stimulates cognitive skills associated with thinking, reasoning, and problem solving. The system can also help develop children's interpersonal and teamwork skills, and it provides them with a fun platform to share ideas, get creative, and learn to deal with competition. In encouraging children to develop confidence, manage their feelings, and form positive relationships with others, the WizeFloor is an excellent solution to get the anti-bullying message out. To see how The Shade Primary School did it, watch the video on their website.


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