Dividat Senso Trains Gait Stability to Reduce Risk of Falls

Dividat Senso is a step-based medical training platform that uses interactive games to engage users in physical and cognitive training to increase gait stability and help prevent falls.
Dividat Senso is an innovative, game-based training system developed to improve gait stability in older adults and delay their loss of independence. The system uses interactive games to immerse users in a series of therapeutic exercises designed to improve their cognitive and motor skills. The evidence-based training programs are an effective tool for increasing independent mobility and reducing the risk of falls.
The step-based platform was developed for use in rehabilitation and fall prevention programs for seniors. It uses LED lights as stimuli and challenges users with various cognitive tasks in a virtual environment, linking these to specific physical movements in the real world. The physical tasks include weight shifts, steps and balance control.
The platform tracks the user's performance with 20 sensors positioned on the base plate and uses five vibration motors to provide users with tactile feedback. The sensors detect the targeted use of forces and steps, including their dynamics.
Dividat Play, the cloud-based software developed for Dividat Senso, offers engaging and challenging interactive games that automatically adapt to the user's level. The platform and the software work together to facilitate the training of key physical and cognitive functions and to make it more efficient as well as more compelling for the user. The platform also offers assessments to provide therapists with objective insights into the patient’s progress.
Dividat Senso was developed by Dividat AG, a company spin-off from the Swiss Federal Institute of Technology in Zurich (ETH Zurich) dedicated to developing technologies and training concepts that help increase functional independence and mobility. The company has created three concepts for cognitive and motor training for older adults and gait impaired people: Dividat Active for assisted living facilities, Dividat Care for hospitals and nursing facilities, and Dividat Home for independent use at home. The company's solutions are based on latest research findings and evaluated in clinical trials on a regular basis.
Watch the video below to see some of the exercises available with Dividat Senso.